Community Investigation into the Lahaina Catastrophe.
Lahaina Report #1 By Paul Deslauriers

Maui Fire Locations
In Lahaina, the small brush fire broke out August 8 at 6:40 am that was declared 100% contained shortly before 10 a.m. 100% contained means no additional resources should be needed to handle the incident and is different from 100% extinguished.
By 3pm a fire 40 miles away in Kula was at its worst and required an island wide response.
At 3:40 pm back in Lahaina a fire started or there was a flare-up. Residents on the west side of Lahaina were told to shelter in place, according to updates posted on the Maui County website.
No warning sirens sounded, there was no cell phone service. By 4:30 pm the fire hit the historic town and became a raging urban interface fire. Police blocked exit roads. By 6:30 pm residents were fleeing into the ocean.
“Nobody saw this coming,” according to Maui County Police Chief John Pelletier
The death toll is staggering: 98 confirmed dead and 38 unaccounted for, plus many others who had no permanent address. It’s expected that the number of confirmed fatalities will increase. Of the 2,200 structures that were destroyed, 86% were homes. Almost every boat in the harbor burned.
Many in our Maui community experienced unimaginable trauma, like the Lahaina mother shopping in Kahalui when the fire hit who learned that her children and close family were all dead and her home had been reduced to white ash.
The Community Response

The recovery and healing is underway and requires a long term commitment. Trauma specialists are working with residents. Many volunteers and donors are expressing Aloha and giving support to those impacted by this catastrophe.
The picture shows a well organized effort of donated supplies being loaded at one of the Lahaina community relief centers.
Organizations like Hungry Homeless Heroes Hawaiʻi provide hundreds of meals a day. This organization alone has been blest with the support of over 1000 amazing individuals who cook, garden and deliver meals directly into the hands of our Lahaina community. https://hhhmaui.org
There are massage professionals donating their services at several locations, therapists, business consultants, and social workers helping people to apply for aid, housing, and insurance. This response came from the hearts of our community, not the state or federal government. It appears that the biggest impact of FEMA is locking down the area and setting up a huge impenetrable wall around the burn site.
Now that immediate needs are being met by our community the survivors are asking,
"how could this happen?"
Many of us who live on Maui sense that something was not right with this fire. Many anomalies and questions have surfaced. We are developing detailed information on over 50 aspects of the Maui catastrophe. We have researchers investigating and will be compiling the data at this site.
Fire Characteristics and Anomalies

1) Without warning, Lahaina was ravaged by fire. Despite the 80 sirens on Maui not one was sounded. Residents fled from a virtual fireball of destruction. Yet exit roads were being blocked by police.

2) The heat melted steel and glass. Steel’s melting point is around 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit (F).
More information on melting points here.

Glass melts at 2,600 F. House fires and wildfires only ever reach temperatures of 1,500 degrees F. High winds with a lot of fuel could go higher.
There is no fuel other than the car.
What makes this more puzzling, the house next to it is untouched and the shrub still has its leaves.

3) What melts steel and glass but leaves surrounding trees standing?

4) How can a tree stand tall with leaves on it?
And have it burn from the inside and not even scorch the bark?

5) What grazes the back of a car and continues forward to melt metal and glass in the next car or destroys the front of a truck, its back end and the house next to it are untouched.

6) What travels around certain structures in its downwind path, while completely pulverizing surrounding buildings?

7) What can leave trees standing, melt metal and glass, while reaching across water to engulf boats in a spontaneous blaze? These boats were not near fuel sources. Flying sparks alone do not easily explain why they burned.

8) Despite heat intense enough to melt metal and glass and to incinerate boats on the water, plastic not attached to metal survived, like this plastic piggy bank. The same strange phenomenon also occurred for blue objects, like the blue buoy along the boat above.

9) What turns buildings into white dust?

Lives have been lost, including children at home from school while their parents worked. The sacred history of Hawaii has been annihilated. Historical buildings and cultural artifacts have been turned to ashes. Homes and structures have been destroyed. Maui has lost its epicenter for small independent businesses.
Proposed Causes of This Catastrophe
1. Climate Change and Global Warming.
This is the main possible cause mentioned on mainstream media. If true, factual data would confirm that. Yet, here is the weather data that refutes that claim. Temperature has remained the same, with normal fluctuations, since 1946 when thorough records began to be kept.

2. Hurricane Dora and the High Winds it Produced.
Dora was a small hurricane passing Hawaii over 500 miles away. Watch the satellite images. Large hurricanes produce high winds that only extend as far as 150 miles from their epicenter. Claims of high winds from this small hurricane make no logical sense. However, strange pulsating waves from a separate source were apparently generated and can be seen in satellite records. The timing of those independently produced pulses coincided with the high winds that hit Maui.

3. Winds Gusting up to 80 mph
It was incredibly dry and hot. High winds spread fires as sparks flew through the air. But historical data confirms that conventional blazes, feeding on organic matter, burning structures, and highly combustible fuels, propelled by wind and distributed by sparks, do not generate sufficient heat to melt metal and glass, nor do they spare trees and plastic, nor somehow dodge certain buildings while destroying all those around it.

4. Sparks from Hawaii Electric Equipment
A transformer issue or a tree falling on a power line and sparking a fire are highly likely and have been confirmed in cell phone footage. There were reports of transformers blowing up and power lines down. But this can only account for the first fact-based occurrence presented above. For article Against Articles.
5. Arson
This includes not sounding the warning sirens and the lack of water for the hydrants and hoses, plus traffic cops blocking off exits. But these do not account for any of the anomalies mentioned above.

6. Dry Grass
It is the dry season, and the ecosystem has changed significantly since the sugar plantation days. But this thin dry grass tends to go up in a flash and doesn't provide enough fuel to sustain a long-lasting fire. Brush on fire fails to explain the anomalies of this burn.

Morfius According to Rebecca Schwartz the Lockheed Martin airborne HPM device “generates over one million times more power than a microwave oven,” the latter average power being around 1 kW. It is portable, can reach speeds of 90 knots 104 mph and is inly The air vehicle is 1.02 meters long, has a 2.54 meters wingspan,
7. High Energy Directed Weapons:
The Pentagon is spending $1 billion a year developing laser and microwave weapons. The most prominent are high energy lasers (HEL) and high-power microwaves (HPM) weapons. What other governments are experimenting with similar weapons?
These weapons are directed in a tight beam and can be precisely targeted to destroy on demand. They can create fires that melt steel and glass while leaving plastic unchanged. They heat organic material from the inside without disturbing its structure.
Leading edge weaponry is always a highly secretive field. But it is not a conspiracy theory; it does exist. Such a weapon could potentially account for all of the above anomalies. This means that it should be considered in the investigation. We are not claiming this as a plausible cause but to outlaw consideration of it as a possibility would suggest a cover up. We want the truth, that’s all.
The Lahaina Catastrophe is Not Unique

The exact same phenomenon and characteristics were present at the 2018 Paradise Fire in California.

The Malibu California Fire in 2018 was the same.
This is not the time for pat answers or shrill accusations. It is the time for reasoned, open-minded investigation and discussion, with every clue explored. We are demanding (and have begun) a transparent citizen-led investigation and we are compiling evidence, helping ourselves to discover the truth. We cannot rely on our state and federal government.
Please share this document as widely as possible, both on island and off. Send it to media outlets if you have personal contacts. Forward it to Influencers with a strong social media presence. Stay informed and help our work.
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